may isle

may isle



Welcome to 'A Frample', a confused tangle of columns, prose poems and lyrics. It's not so much a blog as an online folder, lying somewhere between a drawer and the bin.

Methadone or malt


You might have known hunger
You might have known pain
But is that your own father
Standing out there in the rain?

You remember the darkness
You remember the fears.
You remember that knock at the door.
You remember the tears.

Standing in an empty hall
Staring up the stairs.
There is no more sobbing
Just the echo of his prayers.

So you draw the curtains
Get locked up for the night.
Button your coat, breathe in the dark
Wait for tomorrow's light

A lot of things happen
None of them your fault.
But the aim's the same, whatever you use
Methadone or malt.

Picture: MK1_Fiesta

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