may isle

may isle



Welcome to 'A Frample', a confused tangle of columns, prose poems and lyrics. It's not so much a blog as an online folder, lying somewhere between a drawer and the bin.

Out of time


You must be feeling down at acting the clown,
So weary of always playing the fool.
Never finding time to be kind
In your drama that becomes so cruel
So they keep you pinned down.
It's a wonder you even bother
Getting up off the ground.

Welling up the rage in your own cage,
Locked and hiding in the dark inside.
You vow you'll never come out.
But there were times that you tried.
Try and explain that you're different
But nobody, really, want to know.
They'll make you promise after promise
Then show you the door.

Twist your wrists, clench your fists,
Keep holding them up high.
Your head is bowed down
But you're desperate to see the sky.
Your ears tune in to the tick of the clock
Your world is running out of time
It's too late to re-arrange the numbers
It's too early to see the sign.

Picture: Pixels

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